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Courtney Van Der Scheer - Nutritionist, Cambridge

I’m a passionate practitioner, dedicated to finding long-term solutions for my clients.

perimenopause nutritionist nz
perimenopause nutritionist nz

Initial consultation

60 minutes via zoom or in person


Before our first meeting, I will get you to fill out a thorough intake form which covers your health history and goals, current symptoms, dietary habits, supplement intake and lifestyle factors. I may ask you to do some blood tests (at an additional cost) as well. Then when we meet, we can go through these results. You’ll walk away feeling empowered, with a plan in hand and a sample meal schedule. Note: Wednesday is my consult day, but if you need to book another day, please contact me.

Health and Nutrition New Zealand

Local workshops

Sign up to my newsletter to keep updated on current local workshops.

I’m a massive advocate for supporting my local community and I love meeting new people. I host local workshops at various places around the Waikato on topics such as women’s health, perimenopause and menopause, skin health, nutrition and lifestyle. The goal of these is to empower you to take control of your health and take all that information out there and condense it into simple, actionable steps. These are capped in terms of numbers so that there’s space for Q&A; make sure you sign up to my newsletter to ensure you don’t miss out on one that’s close to you!

Follow up consultation

30 minutes via zoom or in person


Typically scheduled every two weeks following the initial consultation. During each session, I will offer support and guidance throughout your health journey, making adjustments as needed, assessing progress towards your goals. I’ll address any queries you may have and modify the long-term plan if necessary. This is a more in-depth review compared to the 15 minute phone call. Note: Wednesday is my consult day, but if you need to book another day, please contact me.

Weekly check-in

15 minute weekly check-in phone call


Some people like to work closely with a health practitioner and if I were a chiropractor or physio, I’d want to see you every week to assess progress and how your body is responding to the treatment plan. I don’t think nutrition should be any different as I want to achieve results just as much as you do, for yourself and your family’s health. I find this really beneficial for some clients for the first 4 – 6 weeks. During this phone call we will discuss any symptoms, address any questions and keep you accountable.

Perimenopause nutritionist NZ
Health and Nutrition New Zealand

Wellness at Work

As these are individual and tailored to your specific needs, please get in touch to find out more.

These are an investment in your most valuable asset – your employees! Wellness at work seminars are 30–60 minutes and can cover nutrition as well as a range of lifestyle factors such as sleep, exercise, digestive health and so much more.


An example of topics covered include:

  • How to plan simple healthy meals and snacks, meal prepping for busy lifestyles

  • Discussion on balanced meals, what macronutrients are important, how to maximise nutrient density of your diet

  • How stress and sleep impact overall health

  • Balancing blood sugars and the impact this has on hormonal and overall health

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