500gm chicken thighs
1 can of sliced mango
1 lemon
slivered almonds
haloumi, sliced into thin strips
either Proper Crisps kumara chips, or a whole kumara and you can make your own!
Season the chicken with salt and pepper, and a dash of olive oil. Bake in the oven at 180 celsius for about 20 minutes or until cooked through.
While the chicken is cooking, toast the almonds until browned. Remove from the pan and set aside. Then fry your haloumi on a medium heat until browned on either side, set aside on a plate when it's done. Drizzle with a squeeze of lemon.
Slice the avocado and the mango pieces (or you can have these as is, straight out of the can).
f you can't find Proper Crisps kumara chips in the supermarket, you can make your own - peel a purple kumara into long shavings or strips and fry in some olive oil; enough to make a sort of ‘deep fry’ and then season with salt and pepper when brown and crispy.
If you don't make your own aioli, use a store-bought one but mix it with the remaining lemon juice until it's a drizzle consistency.
Assemble the salad; rocket, top with sliced chicken, avocado, haloumi, mango and kumara crisps. Sprinkle the almonds over the salad and drizzle with the aioli. Yum!
I haven't used serving sizes here, as everyone's different. Just know that the mixture and combination of flavours is DELICIOUS. Let me know if you try this!